Sunday, June 21, 2009

This was in our car.

This is just a still pic from the internet. We had to go (needed to go) to both church services (kids had performances) so I got everyone ready and out the door with 15 minutes to get there. All the kids were in the car and i tossed my purse into the passenger seat and started the car. A ginormous spider crawled over my purse and down to the floor board.

AACK! I had ZERO time to get the thing out, so we drove to church with it in our car. Kaitlen cried the whole way and she never saw the spider. Poor thing. After the first service and when the kids went to Sunday school i went to the car with a couple from our church (Both Fay Officers) and the husband got it out of my car and I video taped it. i thought it was a juvenile tarantula but it ended up being a Dark Fishing Spider.
Don't worry, I'm reading your mind. How did it get into the car??? WELL, yesterday Ben took the Double Jogger out of the garage and put it in the car because we were going to the mall. It crawled out of the jogger at some point and made its way all the way to the front of the burb, lol. to MY seat. Boy am I glad that Ben didn't go to church today and stayed with sleeping abbie because I would have sat right on that sucker.



Unknown said...


Tina said...

OH HELL NOOOOOO! I would have died. Then you drove with it. lol

mummyof6monsters said...


I Am The Mom said...

You're a brave woman... I would have flicked it out of the car, or mushed it. I don't hate spiders, but that's just a bit much for me! yikes!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

There is NO way! We just wouldn't have gone to church. LOL ***shudder***

Night Owl Mama said...

Holy!!! OMGosh!! I would of never let that thing hitch a ride, your a lot braver than i am.

Beth Cotell said...

I'm with your daughter! I would have been crying the whole way to church too!