Monday, September 03, 2007

new pics, yea!!!!!!!!

Lasagna face!!! yummy

Abbie sporting a vintage Carters nightgown. I bought them off ebay when K was a baby. Did you know way back in the day Carters wasn't top of the line it was for those who couldn't afford the best. Funny how things change. It was weird to Betty that Carters is on top now. Her boys wore Carters too. These gowns only have 3 snaps at the top on the front and the rest is open. Very nice summer gown....... Carters needs to bring them back.

Hey mom, Your not trying to work are you?!?!?!
Aaaalmmmost, just a littllllee more, and the bird is mine!!
thats our bird Tiki

Kaitlen dressed herself and i realized she had a theme and didn't know it. now if she just had her cowgirl hate on she'd be ready to go hay the fields. (dont ask why i had the camera with me in the bathroom because i dont know, I swear i do put my camera down)

What a ham.......


Ashley Marshall said...

She is getting soooo big!!! I love the bow!! and Kaitlen is GORGEOUS!! Look how old she looks! :(

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

Ben said the same thing when i emailed him that pic of kaitlen. I cant believe she'll be 5 next month :o(