Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Breathe in, breathe out............

July 1st is a no go for Ben to go to days.............. looking at Januaryish now. I will say it's not the higher ups fault. They are dealing with alot of BS and it's effecting the dept structure and ultimately Ben going to days. NOW with all that said. This will make Ben the senior patrol SGT and he could pick dayshift sgt position which would be good. he'd be off at 3pm or go to the position that he is supose to go to off at 5pm. The sad part is come Aug when the kids start school he won't see thomas, cody or kaitlen at all on mon, tues, wed, thurs. he will seem the fri after school, all day sat and then sun morning. this isn't new to T and C but it will be to Kaitlen


Unknown said...

Ah man! That sucks! I am sorry that you have to wait!

MamaBear said...

Oh, I hate to hear that. It brought back a flood of memories of not seeing Jeff much at all for days on end. It's SO hard having to do the single mom thing.

I was going to ask about your vacation when I noticed you took the ticker down. Did Ben's schedule mess up vacation plans, too? :-(

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

Our vacation is still on. My ticker is still up. Can you see Matthews ticker?