Sunday, March 29, 2009

Cody's question of the day

Cody: What's the smallest amount of water?

Me: Vapor??

Cody: I mean, What's the smallest body of water?

Me: a puddle?

This kind of stuff goes on all day and night.......

Do cows lose their teeth? Maybe we should check on cowpedia........



♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

i wish you all could of seen him say the cowpedia part. He was joking, but he says it sooo seriously. He makes me crack up.

♥Lisa♥ @ FinalScore:Boys3Girls2 said...

Quit cold turkey. Cody says,"why would anyone get addicted to cold turkey?" lol

I Am The Mom said...

how funny! :)

Tina said...

Cold Turkey...LOL Why does he talk to much???? lol